A Love Letter to My Best Friend

Sé que no te tengo que decir, 
Pero I'll tell you anyway.
I love you. 
Ayer. Hoy. Siempre. 
Our connection isn't friendship or sisterhood. It's something more that people say they can't place it. 
Anything beyond platonic standards MUST be romantic for them, 
Because they lack the vocabulary in their colonized dictionaries. 
Like it has to be dressed in bows and ribbons to be understood with their ridgid definitions. Like my love for you can't be as essential, or more important than any love for or from a romantic partner. 
That being queer or actively poly automatically muddles what we HAVE to be. 
This society tries to colonize our love, as if it has to fit in one of their boxes to be valid. 
You are my person, always and forever. 
Above any them. 
Above any her. 
Above any him.
Ayer. Hoy. Siempre.

Con todo mi amor,
✊🏽Sueitko Zamorano-Chavez